Version History

  • v1.11.1
    scrape image urls for highways (update if cam is down)
  • v1.11.0
    add radius 10nm to notams
  • v1.10.0
    navcan fix + pull navcan every 2min
  • v1.9.13
    fix cameco metar error
  • v1.9.12
    tweak stat internals again
  • v1.9.11
    tweak stat internals
  • v1.9.10
    add site names
  • v1.9.9
    add CYYN, CYXH, CYTH, CYQV. (maybe?) Fix METAR Formatting
  • v1.9.8
    add CYLL
  • v1.9.7
    add CYQD
  • v1.9.6
    fix CET2, add AWOS frequencies
  • v1.9.5
    allow CYOD notam in trips section
  • v1.9.4
    fix metar spacing
  • v1.9.3
    tweak print spacing
  • v1.9.2
    tweaked print typography
  • v1.9.1
    add instructions
  • v1.9.0
    update trip section
  • v1.8.0
    add trip section
  • v1.7.8
    fix whitescreen, add back load stats
  • v1.7.7
    add cams, fix link underlines
  • v1.7.6
    add CYMM, CYSM, CYPY
  • v1.7.5
    fix cameco timeouts
  • v1.7.4
    add CYQR, fix setError, update version history internals
  • v1.7.3
    fix winds error not resetting
  • v1.7.2
    fix buttons jankyness
  • v1.7.1
    update cameco, rename upper winds link
  • v1.7.0
    added info page & metar src url's
  • v1.6.7
    added request timeout
  • v1.6.6
    fix hanging requests killing metar page
  • v1.6.5
    limited cet2/ccl3 readouts to 5
  • v1.6.4
    added cet2/ccl3
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How often is METAR data updated?
Data is refreshed on page load if it hasn't already been fetched within the last 30 seconds, in which case it's served from a cache.
Cameco and NavCan data is refreshed every 2 minutes as it sometimes takes too long to be updated on demand without compromising page load times.

How do I get something to be changed/improved/fixed?
Either submit a message through the above contact form, or get the message to Bryan

Why is this site HTTP not HTTPS
Because wx-cam images are served over HTTP I can't display them without converting them to HTTPS via a proxy due the mixed content policy, I don't want to run a proxy so it's HTTP